Policies & Helpful Info - Welcome Guardians Letter


Welcome Parents and Guardians! 


We want to extend a warm welcome to LingoLearn, aka Petit Explorer, where we love to learn through play!  We are looking forward to working with your little ones!  It is amazing and rewarding to see children learn and grow.   


We have grand plans for interactive activities, manipulatives, songs, games, stories, art, and much more-all designed to bring your children knowledge and skills for now and for their future education.  


We strive for our time together to be full of fun and learning!


We can’t wait to explore in English and French: shapes, colors, numbers, letter names and sounds, blending letters, counting, writing dexterity, fine motor skills, art and creativity, social skills, Science, dramatic play, friendship skills, expanding French vocabulary, early reading, nature appreciation, gross motor skills, and early math.


For more information about the curriculum, fun photos, and other topics, please explore the other pages of our website.


Thank you for joining Petit Explorer!  The preschool age is a time of wonder and excitement.   We feel privileged to be a part of the magic! 


Best regards,


Tanya Gallego

Director & Teacher 




LingoLearn School

3814 S Birch Drive

SLC, Utah 84109

LingoLearn Policies & Helpful Info.



Air Quality

Calendar & Breaks

Class Instagram Account

Cold Weather


Drop Off/Pick Up

Late Pick Up Fee

First & Last Days


Hot Weather


Kindergarten at Morningside Elementary 

Known Allergens

LingoLearn Licenses & Certifications


Missed Days

Next Year Registration



Potty Time for Younger Students 

School Website

Screen Time


Sick Policy

Snow Days

Supporting English Learners 


Utah DWS Benefits 

Utah Grant & Scholarship Opportunities 

Waterford Reading Program

What to Bring


Air Quality 

We follow the Utah Air Quality Guidelines for staying indoors. For green (good) air quality index, outdoor time is not restricted. For yellow (moderate), outdoor time is restricted to 20 minutes. When air quality index is orange (unhealthy for sensitive groups) or red (unhealthy), we all stay indoors. 

For more info., please see: https://air.utah.gov/currentconditions.php?id=slc. 

Calendar & Breaks

We follow Granite School District for days off school, except we start our school year in September and remain open for October 14, January 6, and April 7. 


September 2nd Labor Day

October 10-13 Fall Break

November 27-28 Thanksgiving Break

December 23-January 5 Winter Break

January 20 Martin Luther King Day

February 17-18 President’s Day Break

April 8-10 Spring Break

May 26 Memorial Day


We do not reimburse tuition for the school days off or if your child misses due to illness.  We consider the sum total tuition of the academic year to cover the costs of running a quality preschool, divided into 9 monthly payment installments to offer this option to our parents.  

You can view the Granite School District calendar here:



Class Instagram Account

For photos of all the fun, view our private account for Petit Explorer Parents, Guardians, and Teachers only.

We’re on Instagram as petit_explorer_2023. Install the app to follow our photos and videos. 



Cold Weather

33 F weather and up: no time restrictions 

20-32 F: limit to 20 mins outdoors

Below 20 F: indoors 



We strive for our time together to be full of fun and learning! We explore in English and French: shapes, colors, numbers, letter names and sounds, blending letters, counting, writing dexterity, fine motor skills, art and creativity, social skills, Science, dramatic play, friendship skills, expanding French vocabulary, early reading, nature appreciation, gross motor skills, and early math. Our curriculum is influenced by the Utah State Early Education Core Standards, the French Ministry, and a combination of both traditional and Montessori methods.  For more information about the curriculum, fun photos, and other topics, please see our 

website: www.lingolearnschool.com. 


Drop Off/Pick Up

For drop off and pick up, please come in through the tall side gate and sign in/sign out. Safety first! We will only send a child home with individuals listed on their registration form. If we do not have a photo, we will ask for a driver’s license as proof of identity. To add a person to the list or to authorize a one-time pick up, text the school director at 801-915-7407.


Late Pick Up Fee

Please be on time for drop off and pickup. If you are late, we ask you pay a $5 fee for each 15 minutes late to go towards the main teachers that day for their extra time.


First and Last Days

2024-2025 Academic School Year

Monday/Wednesday Group

First day-Wednesday, September 4th (Monday the 2nd is Labor Day)

Last day-Wednesday, May 28


Tuesday/Thursday Group

First day- Tuesday, September 3rd

Last day-Thursday, May 29


Monday through Thursday Group

First day- Tuesday, September 3rd

Last day- Thursday, May 29




If you haven’t already, please submit your child’s registration form, health assessment, immunization form, and photo of your child and people authorized to pick up your child. If anything changes during the year, please let us know.


Registration form  https://forms.gle/BJ9KyQzDUnsjxHG8A


Health Assessment & Immunization Record




Hot Weather

Our outdoor area is heavily shaded, but we are prepared with Titanium Dioxide/Zinc Oxide sunscreen if needed. Please let us know if your child is allergic or if you wish for us not to use sunscreen. We always have water and drinking cups with us outdoors. 

Below 90 F: no time restrictions

90 F and above: limit to 20 minutes outdoors

99 F and above: indoors



On occasion, inspectors may visit the school as part of the several licenses and credentials we maintain, including: Child Care Licensing, Business Licensing, Utah Fire Department, Utah Health Department, CCQS Quality, Nature Explore, Top Star Health. An inspector will never be left alone with a student. 


Kindergarten at Morningside

Morningside is an English and French immersion Public Magnet Elementary school a few minutes away from LingoLearn. They begin French immersion in First Grade. There is an application process if you are out-of-bounds at the following open enrollment link:

https://www.graniteschools.org/psp/open-enrollment/. There is a separate French immersion enrollment form to complete, whether or not your child attends Kindergarten there. If your child turns 5 by September 1st, you can apply to attend Kindergarten there. Their phone number is +1 (385) 646-4924. 


Known Allergens

Please do not send your student to class with known class allergens. We have a student allergic to hydrogen peroxide and another to Amoxicillin


LingoLearn Licenses & Certifications 

School established in 2016

Millcreek Business License

Utah Child Care License

Child Care Quality Systems Program

-We are proud to have a high quality rating! 


UT State Health Dep. Kitchen Inspection 

Annual Fire Department Inspection

Food Handlers

Nature Explore-We are a Nature Explore certified classroom: https://natureexplore.org.



UAEYC Member-Utah Association for the Education of Young Children 

NAEYC Member-National Association for the Education of Young Children 

Top Star Utah Health Highest Level 5 Rating

Ms. Tanya-Bachelors of English & French Secondary Ed

Ms. Nety-Bachelors of Elementary Education and Psychology 

Ms. Rebecca-Bachelors of Early Childhood Education


We have breakfast ready every morning for anyone who needs it and provide lunch. We’ll send you a food form to sign for us to continue receiving funding for our school food program. The form will have your child registered for all the days so that if ever you change schedules during the year, your child will still be covered. We mark who is present and what is served each day and submit a report each month to the program.

Missed Days 

The total annual tuition reflects the cost of running our school at the high standards we hold ourselves to for the academic period of 9 months, including annual license fees, insurance, and having our teachers present each class day. Because of this, we cannot reimburse days students miss. Tuition can be paid in full or paid in 9 monthly installments. We thank you for your understanding. 


Next Year Registration

Next academic school year starts September 1st, 2025. 

If you know you would like to stay with us the next year and haven’t already done so, please let us know which days you would like so we can reserve the spot for you!  

We accept age 2 to age 6.



We accept Zelle, check, or cash—thank you! 



Ms Tanya has a Fancy Leopard Gecko named Stick who lives downstairs. Please let us know if your child has any allergies to lizards. We would like to bring Stick upstairs on occasion when we are learning about reptiles so that the students can see a real lizard. Please let us know if you are not comfortable with this


Potty Time for younger students

For our younger students who are having so much fun, they forget to use the potty! 

We have little potties and privacy dividers for each. We bring the younger students indoors first in the morning and encourage them all to use the potties we have set out near the restroom with a privacy  divider up around each one. No one is forced, only encouraged. 

We’ve noticed some of our youngers having accidents at times because they are so excited about the activity at hand or some get a bit nervous to go potty solo in a place that isn’t home. A designated potty moment in the day for all at the same time encourages some students to go. 

We want to make sure everyone is comfortable. If any parent is not comfortable with this arrangement, please let us know and we will accommodate! 

It can be helpful if you let your child know their preschool teachers are there to help with any potty needs they might have. We will ask multiple times in the day if each child needs to use the restroom and will encourage using the potty, but will not force. We want to encourage body autonomy and to keep potty time a positive experience. 


School Website

For information about the curriculum, fun photos, and other topics, please visit the rest of this website: www.lingolearnschool.com.


Screen Time

We limit screen time at the school to 10 minutes of educational French viewing per day. Occasionally, we will have an additional 5 minutes of educational clips for part of a lesson time



We have a Simplisafe Security System installed that monitors comings and goings and retains video recordings for 30 days.


Sick Policy

Please do not bring your child to class if he or she is sick. Germs are one thing we 

don’t want to share!

Common colds

Please don’t send your child to school the first 3 days of a common cold. According 

to the AAP, virus concentration is highest and most contagious 2-3 days before a 

person develops symptoms and 2-3 days after. Thus, if your child has had a cold for 

3 days, fever free for 24 hours, only mild sniffling remains, and no new symptoms, 

your child can come back to school. Also, if the sniffling is due to seasonal allergies, 

your child does not need to miss school.

Other symptoms

Please don’t send your child to school with a fever—any temperature of 100.4 

degrees F or greater; vomiting; diarrhea; persistent cough or difficulty breathing; 

severe pain (like a migraine headache or severe ear ache); severe sore throat that 

lasts more than 48 hours, especially when accompanied by a fever; a significant 

rash, especially when other symptoms are present; large amounts of discolored 

nasal discharge; pink eye; lice.


Snow Days

There may be one or two school day closures due to unsafe winter weather during the year. If there are more than two, these days will be added back in. If we keep school open and you don’t feel safe driving out, please follow your instincts and stay safe.


Supporting English Learners

We support our students for whom French is their primary language through:

-French immersion half the class time

-Books and labels in both English and French

-Teachers are ready to speak French during the English half of the class if needed 


As your child transitions from home to school, there are a few conversations that can help your child feel comfort with this new experience of being away from guardians and parents. 

-Talking about how you will always come back for your student. 

-Putting a photo of the family or a trinket to remember you by in your student’s backpack. Talking about how your student can look at these if they ever miss you during school.

-Talking about how your student will learn so many wonderful things at school and will be able to tell you all about it each day! 


Utah DWS Benefits

Our school accepts DWS payments. There are benefits for higher salaries than what has been historically allowed. Your family may qualify for part of our preschool tuition to be paid for by the state. For more info., please see: https://jobs.utah.gov/customereducation/services/childcare/


Utah Grant & Scholarship Opportunities

Utah Fits All Scholarship Program through the Utah State Board of Education: 

There is a scholarship opportunity for students who are K-12 and eligible to participate in a public school, and who are residents of the state of Utah. Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age before September 2 of the year in which admission is sought. Our preschool tuition could be covered by this scholarship if your application is accepted.


Waterford Upstart 


Waterford is a free government online early-reading practice program. It can be a fun way to have your child get a bit more letters practice-time for 15 minutes a day. 

What to Bring 

Please have your child dressed for the weather; we try to go outside every day to build our gross motor skills and physical wellness!  

Please send a tote bag or backpack with a change of clothes (just in case), diapers and wipes if needed. No need for water bottles as we have cups and water available at all times. We provide breakfast and lunch. A photo of your family can also be helpful for transitioning from home to school. Please don’t send toys to school as this causes issues with other children wanting the toys. It’s helpful if belongings are labeled--less likely to end up in the lost and found!  White sharpie works great on dark coats and gloves.    


Breastfeeding Resources

Helpful Websites-

La lecha League International


American Academy of Pediatrics


World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action waba.org.my

The Bump


United States Breastfeeding Committee


US Department of Health and Human Services


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